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Binghamton's Alternative

5:00pm - Midnight

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Upcoming Events

  • Intuitive Art for Healing

    April 5, 19, 26, May 3, 10 Saturdays from 11AM-1PM 5 Sessions | $125 Presenter: Madison Mark

  • Floral Embroidery – Beyond the Basics

    April 10, 17, 24 and May 1 Thursdays from 6-8PM 4 Sessions $75 plus $20 materials fee to be paid directly to instructor at first class Presenter: Kathleen W...

  • STIC Trivia Night!

    Join us for STIC Trivia Night at My Uncle's Place on April 11th from 7pm to 9pm. Compete for awesome prizes and help support people with disabilities!

    at My Uncle's Place